Jane Grigson Trust Award 2023 – shortlist announced

Shortlisted candidates: Dina Macki, Irina Janakievska and Keshia Sakarah
The Oxford Cultural Collective is proud to support the annual Jane Grigson Trust Award
The shortlisted books, for the 2023 Jane Grigson Trust Award are:
- The Balkan Kitchen by Irina Janakievska (to be published by Hardie Grant in Spring 2024)
- Bahari: Recipes from an Omani Kitchen and Beyond by Dina Macki (to be published by Dorling Kindersley in February 2024)
- Caribe’: A Cookbook with History by Keshia Sakarah (to be published by Hardie Grant in Spring 2024)
Created in memory of the distinguished British food writer Jane Grigson, the Jane Grigson Trust Award is made to a first-time writer of a book about food or drink which has been commissioned but not yet published. In the spirit of Jane Grigson and her writing, the Award is for a non-fiction book on food and drink in the widest sense, from any genre – cookbook, memoir, travel, history – as long as the primary subject is food or drink.
The Balkan Kitchen is a love letter to Balkan cuisine – one of the most under-explored gastronomic crossroads in the world. A culinary journey through former Yugoslavia, a microcosm of the Balkans which transcends modern political borders, the book seeks to give a voice to and celebrate the vast and varied cuisine and cultural heritage of a region overshadowed by conflict in recent years.
Irina Janakievska is a food writer and recipe developer with a Balkan heart, a Middle Eastern palette and British curiosity. She was born in what is now North Macedonia, grew up in Kuwait, and now lives and works in London. Irina left a successful career in corporate and finance law to follow her passion for sharing her love of Balkan cuisine, the Balkans and its people. Irina, who trained at Leith’s and whose past work includes at the Ottolenghi Test Kitchen, has contributed to a range of media. @balkankitchen
Bahari: Recipes from an Omani Kitchen and Beyond will take the reader on an exciting food journey, showcasing Omani cuisine in all its diversity and moving beyond geographical borders to incorporate the influence of Zanzibar and of many countries spanning the Indian Ocean, the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea. Dina aims to educate the world on the food and culture of Oman, a hidden gem of the Middle East that is particularly unusual for its global and coastal connections.
Dina Macki is a British food writer, developer and presenter. Dina’s focus of food lies within her heritage from Oman and Zanzibar, combining that with her influences of growing up in the UK. Dina writes for a range of publications, develops and presents recipes for major UK supermarkets and brands, as well as consulting for the hospitality industry in the Gulf Cooperation Council, where she bridges the gap between east and west. @dinewithdina
Caribe’: A Cookbook with History invites the reader to encounter the rich and varied recipes of the Caribbean both alongside and through the complex colonial origins of the dishes, one island at a time. Caribe’ aims to give an insight into the food landscapes across the Caribbean, an understanding of the main cultural food links forged throughout history, and an awareness of what ties these dishes, people and places together.
Keshia Sakarah is a chef and food writer. She founded ‘Caribe’ – Caribbean Eating’ initially as a pop-up before opening a permenant space in Brixton, and now runs the supper club BARURU. Keshia writes recipes and articles for a range of media, she has taken part in panel discussions at the British Library and Kew Gardens on cultural appropriation and colonial themes within food ways, and has appeared as guest judge on Masterchef: The Professionals 2021 and 2022. Keshia was named amongst ‘100 influential women in food’ by CODE, 2021 and 2022. @sakarah_
Chair of Judges, Donald Sloan says: “This year’s short list is extremely impressive. Providing rich contextual commentary alongside recipes, the authors explore the distinct culinary traditions of particular geographical locations. We have no doubt these first time authors are destined for success.”
Joining Donald Sloan, chair of the Jane Grigson Trust and of the Oxford Cultural Collective on the judging panel are: Jimi Famurewa, author, broadcaster and freelance journalist; Jeremy Lee, chef proprietor at Quo Vadis, food writer and trustee of the Jane Grigson Trust; Chetna Makan, food writer; and Linda Challis, trustee of the Jane Grigson Trust.
The winning book will be announced on Tuesday 14 March. The author of the winning book will receive a cheque for £2000 and the runners-up will receive £100 book tokens. All shortlisted authors will receive a copy of The Best of Jane Grigson.

Judges: Chetna Makan, Jimi Famurewa, Jeremy Lee, Linda Challis and Donald Sloan